Thursday, 14 March 2013

A lack of chipmunks

Snow started yesterday in the early evening and by this morning mud season was on hold and we have 2" of snow, beautiful, image here of a white landscape.........

and my white marble in the snow.........

I had to sweep out the space I am using before I could work this morning because the snow had drifted in across the floor and was also covering my sculpture. I needed to cut my sculpture today and Harlen and I had to spend quite a while with hot water and a hot air blower trying to de frost the pipes in the stone cutter so that the water would flow and keep the blade cool.. ....... with the ice forming on top of the water tray it felt like we possibly didn't really need to do that. This is a big machine with a huge cutting blade that just slices through stone like it is butter. I managed 2 cuts through the stone and have some black granite to re join it and Eric in Granite City is sending some glue. I had a play with the cutter after I had done what I needed to do, it seemed a shame not to use it while I could but I gave up when the stone I was cutting into was iced stuck to the table by the time I was through. That and very cold wet hands, I decided I don't need to suffer that much!  With the cold weather back with a vengeance, the prospect of seeing chipmunks is slim

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