Saturday, 28 March 2020

the home residency and lumpy soup

I wish you all well  and I hope you are all coping in this difficult time. Artists are often solitary in their studios and the current online creativity is fantastic. I however should be a tad more careful what I wish for. I honestly don’t think that I am responsible for this outbreak but just a while ago, I dreamt of being able to have just two weeks solitary time in the studio and was planning how to achieve this. I wanted time to think, draw and mull over ideas for a new project and be away from all distractions. After a dash to the studio for supplies a few days ago I am now working from home,  the ‘new normal’ will be here for a while, we possibly, probably face several weeks, maybe months of isolation.  As I write I am waiting to hear the outcome of several applications I have made before lock-down.  Meanwhile, I am delighted that I was asked to take part in the Valley of Vision exhibition in Shoreham,  an outdoor show in late June so there is a faint chance it will go ahead. In preparation I have been working with paper,  the food blender has been requisitioned (it makes food taste bleurgh, so all soup will be lumpy from now on) and I am using pulp to create textures on the stiff paper I usually use. I spent yesterday in the front garden masked up for the fumes painting 'Bizkarroi'
At home I am tackling the enormous list of jobs as long as my arm, but I suspect I shall not be dealing with those with much enthusiasm!
A slightly altered version of this article will be featured in the Royal Society of Sculpture weekly bulletin

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